Friday, 9 January 2015

About Philip Chong

Introduction about Philip Chong

Philip chong is born in Mel aka, Malaysia in 1976. He was born in the year of the dragon. This is the Chinese zodiac character where dragon is the leader when it comes to certain type of business. He is from a family of 4 with one younger sister. He is now the owner of the singapore choice Billy Aircon for Aircon Servicing in Singapore.

Who is Philip Chong

Philip chong is a father of a lovely daughter Jacqueline Chong. This year she will be 2 years old and is also a permanent resident in Singapore. He and his lovely wife who has open a hair salon in Singapore  Husband and wife team are entrepreneurs from Malaysia who has come to Singapore and became a Permanent Resident since 2005.

What does Philip Chong does?

With his business as his main focus, he is in the field of electrical engineering and aircon servicing. So he is like a handyman which knows all and can solve any electrical or air conditioner problems for both homes and commercial. In his free time, Philip go to the nearby old folks home and do community service. He is also a member of a RC in the east area. A reputable figure in his area for his contribution back to the society with his corporate social responsibility as being a permanent resident in Singapore.

When did Philip Chong Started out his Business?

Philip started Billy Air conditioner and Electrical Engineering Since 1995. He was then holding a employment pass in Singapore which he work very hard for his family and studies to attain recognized qualifications.

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